Welcome to CPS
Our vision:
Achieving personal best as learners in a safe, respectful and engaging environment.
Welcome to Coonamble Public School where every student is known and valued as an individual. Dedicated, caring staff are committed to providing the highest quality learning experiences in a safe and engaging environment. Our parents, carers and their families are valued partners with staff to support every student to be the best that they can be.
Quality Teaching in every classroom
From preschool to year 6, students can be confident that their learning will be planned and implemented by teachers who are highly skilled to support them to achieve their outcomes and become successful citizens.
Students with special needs in our special education support classes participate in appropriately adjusted learning experiences which are individualised and relevant to their needs.
Our youngest students in preschool are fortunate to engage in quality activities in a play based environment which provides a strong foundation for literacy and numeracy experiences.
There is a strong connection with the high school through middle years initiatives and transition programs that strengthen collaborative practices in teaching literacy. Primary and secondary teachers work closely to provide continuity of learning outcomes as students move into high school.
Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM), specialised music, physical education, health and personal development and cultural curriculums are delivered to all students in a collaborative hub model.
Connected Communities
Coonamble is a rural, river town located in the North West of NSW about 170km from Dubbo. It is a Connected Community school with over 90% of students identifying as Aboriginal. Local Aboriginal culture and Gamilaaray language is taught in every P-6 classroom in an environment of mutual respect and acknowledgment. The school values their identity, culture, goals and aspirations.
The yarning circle is a special feature in our school and provides a natural gathering place where students, staff and community can come together to share food and stories. Students are assisting with the planting of bush tucker and native flora in the area.
Partnerships with external services and agencies are well established to ensure that students are healthy and ready to learn. Agencies have a cooperative agreement that places the needs of the student at the centre of all considerations around their learning and wellbeing.
Caring for Student Wellbeing
Positive Behaviour for Learning (PB4L) provides the whole school framework that underpins our wellbeing strategies and processes. Safe, Respectful Learners are the expectations for every student in the school and our behaviour management and discipline structures are aligned to achieve these.
We are a Kidsmatter school and supporting emotional wellbeing of our students is the key to ensure they are ready to learn. The PATHS program is implemented in every classroom P-6 to provide the consistent language and strategies that allow students to feel safe and valued at school.
Anti-bullying interventions are implemented across the school inthe form of proactive, positive awareness raising as well as specific, targeted activities as needed to address individual incidents.
Every student is known, cared for and valued.
I am very proud of our students, staff and community for their commitment to improving the wellbeing and learning for every student. It is a privilege to lead a school that is growing as a learning community.
Annette Thomson - Executive Principal